Hamilton Community Schools is located in Hamilton, Indiana, DeKalb County.
School Board of Trustees
Scott Lucas, President
Stacy Shull, Vice President
April Holden, Secretary
Brandy DePriest
Julie Friend
Central Office Information
Dr. William Reichhart, Superintendent
Brittany Taylor, Business Manager/Treasurer/ECA Treasurer
Claire Smith, Human Resources
David Prokop, Athletic Director
Brad Hennessey, Maintenance Director
Kelly Shafer, Director of Technology
Shawn Ray, School Nurse
Hamilton K-5 Elementary School
Kristyn Watkins, Principal
Allie Furniss, Assistant Principal
Katie Gaetz, Secretary
Kristen Zarka, Student Support
Hamilton Jr./Sr. High School
Kristyn Watkins, Principal
Allie Furniss, Assistant Principal
Lori Zimmerman, Secretary
David Prokop, Athletic Director
Taylor Brown, School Guidance Counselor